Advanced Recording Artist Program at Harbourside IT
Sign A Record Deal With Hit Records and Maximum Music/EMI
School of Rock
A new partnership between a top promotion company and a premier music technology school is helping artists make that journey a little shorter
Maximum Music for Film and Television
Maximum Music for Film and Television specializes in licensing independent music for use in a variety of media outlets including feature films, television shows, video games, movie trailers, ringtones, compilation CD's, and advertising commercials.
Maximum DIY
Maximum DIY exposes proven real-world career development strategies and marketing techniques, while exploring new and innovative ways that the DIY artist can connect, market and promote themselves on the world stage
28 March 2012
Join us for Harbourside Nights 3 Artist Showcase
2:29 PM
09 March 2012
Harbourside Nights 3 : Showcase Applications Open
11:02 AM
Applications now open!
06 March 2012
Shop Talk : 12 Music Business Predictions for 2012
11:06 AM
Author, Producer, Music & Technology Advisor, Bobby Owsinski makes his predictions for the year ahead.